The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is pleased to announce that we have published the proposed Feeds Regulations, 2022 in Canada Gazette, Part 1. We have launched a 90-day public consultation from June 12 to September 10, 2021, to gather feedback from stakeholders.

Why is it necessary to make changes to the current Feeds Regulations?

The last comprehensive review of the Feeds Regulations took place in 1983. Regulatory changes are needed to keep pace with changes in innovation, risk management, international standards, science and technology and to develop a modernized risk- and outcome-based regulatory framework for feeds.

Proposed amendments to the Feeds Regulations include new requirements for hazard analysis, preventive controls, traceability, record-keeping, and licencing. These changes will better align with international regulatory frameworks and best practices. This will enable CFIA and regulated sectors to better understand and manage risks that livestock feeds pose to animal health, human health and the environment.

What are the impacts to industry?

During this consultation we are seeking feedback from the public, academia, other government departments, organizations or individuals with an interest in livestock feeds in Canada. These changes are proposed and have not come into effect.

We want to hear from you!

We encourage you to review the proposal and connect with us should you have any questions regarding the proposed regulatory package.

You can participate in this consultation in different ways:

For further information, please contact:

Laura Scott, Animal Feed and Veterinary Biologics Division, Canadian Food Inspection Agency