Winter Update from CNGF
Download the latest information on CNGF activities here.
Updated Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Goats Released
(Lacombe, AB) 18 November 2022 – The National Farm Animal Care Council (NFACC) and the Canadian National Goat Federation (CNGF) are pleased to announce the release of the updated Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Goats. The Code is now available at...
Publication du Code de pratiques pour le soin et la manipulation des chèvres révisé
(Lacombe, Alberta) 18 novembre 2022 – Le Conseil national pour les soins aux animaux d’élevage (CNSAE) et la Fédération canadienne nationale de la chèvre (FCNC) ont le plaisir d’annoncer la publication du Code de pratiques pour le soin et la manipulation des chèvres...
Upcoming CFIA modifications to import requirements for small ruminants
In November 2021, Option 2c, for the import of male small ruminants from any premises in the U.S., was suspended with very little notice to industry, and has since been under review. This severely limited the ability of Canadian goat breeders to access US genetics....
Spring 2022 update from CNGF
Download the latest information on CNGF activities here.
CFIA Small Ruminant Import Survey
The following survey was released by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), to garner feedback from producers who import goats and sheep from the United States. The survey is part of CFIA’s review of the recently suspended option 2C for importing bucks and rams....
UPDATE – CFIA changes to small ruminant import policy
CNGF has contacted CFIA’s Senior Veterinary Office, the Senior Staff Veterinarian of the Domestic Disease Control Section and the Director General of the Animal Health Directorate regarding the fact that Option 2C for the import of male small ruminants from any...
CFIA changes to small ruminant import policy
Last week CNGF was made aware that Option 2C for the import of male small ruminants from any premises in the USA, which requires the importing premises to be enrolled in the Scrapie flock certification program (SFCP), was under review by CFIA and has been put on hold...
Consultation on proposed changes to Feeds Regulations
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is pleased to announce that we have published the proposed Feeds Regulations, 2022 in Canada Gazette, Part 1. We have launched a 90-day public consultation from June 12 to September 10, 2021, to gather feedback from...
Special Project Buck Import from USA
The Canadian goat industry relies heavily on the genetics from the USA, and changes to the rules on importing goats has negatively impacted breeder’s abilities to expand their herd genetics.
Earlier this year, the CFIA approved a special import of USA bucks for the use of their semen. This program is running for the 2023 breeding season, assuming there is at least 10 bucks to make the project worthwhile. Producers are encouraged to take part in this progressive push to bring more genetics across the border for the betterment of our goat industry.
OC Flock Management in Alberta is the company that will be facilitating the project. They are arranging imports, transportation, housing, Canadian testing, semen production and distribution. They however will not be sourcing or purchasing any potential buck candidates.
CFIA requirements for bucks to enter Canada –
Interested in the program, reach out the the OC Contact:
Ontario to Perform Parasite Study in Goats
Interested in getting a handle on your parasite problems on farm? Consider joining this project specifically for grazing goats in Ontario!
Minor changes to the import policy for small ruminants from USA/Changements mineurs à la politique d’importation des petits ruminants des États-Unis
For a limited period of time, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency has modified and reinstated Option 2c as part of the import policy "Requirements for Small Ruminants Imported From the United States for Breeding, Domestic or Captive Purposes-TAHD-DSAT-IE-2007-5-6". It...