Animal Identification

Goat Approved Indicators
CFIA pre-approved goat indicators are listed below. Pre-approval of these indicators by the CFIA means that these indicators will be considered official when regulatory changes come into effect.
Purchase and application of pre-approved indicators is entirely voluntary at this time. Currently there are no national identification requirements for goats. Producers interested in purchasing the pre approved tags can find more information at the CCIA (Canadian Cattle Identification Agency) website –
The following indicators will be available for purchase:
- Shearwell ASet tag – available as either radio frequency identification (RFID), full duplex (FDX) or visual (non-RFID). This tag has been approved for application to the ear or the tail web of goats.
- Allflex OS Combi tag – available as an RFID (FDX) tag, approved for application to the ear.
- Datamars ARaymond leg band – available as either RFID, half duplex (HDX) or visual.
Purchasing Indicators
Pre-approved goat indicators are available for purchase through the the Canadian Cattle Identification Agency’s (CCIA) webstore and toll-free Call Centre Order Desk at 1-877-909-2333.
Applying Goat Indicators
The ideal tagging environment is clean and dry with good lighting.
Goat producers will have the option of applying tags or leg bands in one of three locations on goats; either the ear, the tail webbing, or leg. The latter option is provided to address the concern of breeders of certain species of goats with small or very little ear tissue, and is also desirable for many dairy producers.
Ear tagging. Tags should be placed close to the head for best retention and approximately mid-point in the ear from top to bottom. The male (post) portion of the tag should be at the back of the ear and the female portion inside the ear. The tag should be placed between the two main supporting veins of the ear.
Tail tagging. For tagging animals in the tail web area it is important that the male (post) portion of the tag enter from the skin side as opposed to pushing through the hair side of the webbing. The tag should be placed mid-point of the webbing and sufficiently deep into the web and close to the body of the animal (i.e. behind the thickened ‘rib’ of the web).
Tagging animals as kids can result in fewer incidents of infection and provide for easier restraint of the animal and therefore better tag placement with less stress to the animal or handler and less chance of damage to the ear (or tail).
Please click on the tagging videos below to view tags being applied to the ear and tail web.
Leg Bands. Wrap the band around the leg initially to determine the right size. The band should be placed just above the pastern. The leg band can be widened for a better fit by removing one or more of the three steps with a plier. As the animal grows, the leg band can be widened by using pliers to remove one of the three steps.
Download Tagging Essentials brochure (PDF)
Indicator Feedback from Producers
Canadian goat producers play an important role assisting in identifying potential issues that CNGF may need to examine with indicator manufacturers. Feedback on indicator performance will help ensure the industry has access to the best possible indicators.
Contact the CNGF to provide feedback on goat indicators.
Tagging Video Series
Click on any video to view it. Each video is between 1 and 2 minutes in length. We recommend that you view all videos in the right order the first time you view them.
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This project was made possible by funding from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) through its Canadian Industry Traceability Infrastructure Program (CITIP). AAFC is pleased to participate in this project and is committed to working with its industry partners to increase public awareness of the importance of the agri-food industry to Canada.